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Can a TBI Get Worse Over Time? Recovery Chances from a Head Injury Years Later

Can a TBI get worse over time? The short answer is: yes, it can. Every brain injury is different and even though many secondary effects of a brain injury improve with time, others may linger and interfere with rehabilitation.  Survivors with long-term effects can often present signs of decline in their recovery process. Fortunately, there […]

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Spinal Cord Injury Paralysis: How to Maximize Your Chances of Recovery

Spinal cord injury paralysis, or loss of muscle function, occurs when the brain and spinal cord cannot communicate with the affected muscles in the body. Lack of communication between the brain and muscles can lead to paraplegia (paralysis in the lower extremities) or quadriplegia (paralysis in the upper and lower extremities). The type of paralysis […]

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