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Faith and Traumatic Brain Injury

We have all heard the phrase that miracles happen every day.  We often read stories of incredible triumph through various hardships such as job loss, financial devastation, loss of loved ones, and injuries beyond comprehension.  During such problems, troubles can mount to extremes and one may find their very soul tested to the point of falling to their knees in a desperate cry for the release of pain, suffering, and of the control of our lives we thought we had. Yet, through tragic experiences, countless testimonies reveal the healing and the hearts of those who have found their way through Faith and a trusting relationship with Jesus Christ.

There is always a barrage of negative situations that can cloud any circumstance.  Learning to find the positive through the storm is not always easy.  Friends or family members who try to inspire us may never understand how their words can sometimes fall flat.  For survivors, some may find learning to communicate with a brain injury could be as challenging as those trying to communicate with us, as both parties struggle to reconnect in ways that once were familiar.

How does Faith find its way into this picture? Faith and prayer are solid communication pathways toward our relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit giving phenomenal strength to the core of ourselves and our relationships.  God speaks through us all, especially when we surrender.  Have you ever experienced what happens when we let ourselves stop, take a deep breath, and ask the Lord for guidance? Our brain and autonomic nervous system begin to find miraculous relief through our prayers.  Prayers give us a firm foundation of hope and strength, building upon a consistent relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ.

As humans, we continue to dive deep into studies and research projects, searching for answers.  There are plenty of science-based articles and neuroimaging findings revealing the changes to our brain on prayer, in addition to an integrative approach to healing.  Prayers for healing and transformation begin with us.

Finding our way through trauma can take many pathways. First, it can create an identity crisis of which we never imagined we would face.  The world changes, people change, circumstances change, but one thing is sure, God and His words never change.  Faith brings about a foundation of truth, light, acceptance, peace, healing, and renewal.  Unwavering Faith brought traumatic brain injury survivor Patti Foster through unimaginable hardships, while God was slowly transforming an already steadfast believer into so much more than anything she could ever have imagined.

Throughout life’s trials and trauma – Faith in our Redeemer is everlasting HOPE

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