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Communication and Cognition after Brain Injury (Podcast with Katherine Noyes)

Communication is so important to our world, but it can be drastically affected for brain injury survivors. Difficulties include word finding, forming ideas, expressing oneself, understanding nonverbal cues, and more… so let’s work to understand this deeper and talk about some tips that can help! Today we are diving into the connection between communication and […]

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Ariel Johnson Brain Injury Story

By: Ariel Johnson On the morning of December 13th, 2007 the weather was horrible. It was sleeting, hailing, and snowing. I was driving back to school when I swerved into the oncoming lane and hit a van and then collided into a tree. An off-duty EMT professional saved my life because the seatbelt was choking […]

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Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Misunderstood

It is 2020, and the question remains, why are so many mild traumatic brain injuries still misunderstood? Despite extraordinary medical advancements, countless patients can travel from doctor to doctor, struggling to sort through the health crisis suddenly upon them. It takes years for changes in the medical system to become mainstream. Conventional imaging such as […]

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Reflections of Joy 2020

It is Christmas, and I will acknowledge the elephant in the room by saying we all know it has not been an easy year. Everywhere we look, something can overwhelm our senses, turning our focus inward, and unfortunately, away from all that matters most. As the year-end closes, I watch it fade in the distance, […]

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Failing Forward Towards Success After Brain Injury

There is a well-known cliche in life, whether it applies to business or daily living; what does it mean by failing forward towards success? Life after a brain injury can feel like constant personal growth magnified. Learning to adjust our individual goals to fit any new situation can be an uphill climb. How can those […]

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Traumatic Brain Injury, Trauma and Brain Health

What we now understand about traumatic brain injury, trauma, and overall brain health is remarkable. However, in countless cases, patients in the various stages of declining health from a traumatic brain injury go unrecognized throughout many areas of our conventional medical system.  There are significant gaps in brain injury care, from a lack of consistent […]

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A Link Between Autoimmune Disease and Traumatic Brain Injury

Studies continue to link traumatic brain injury and the possibility of autoimmune disease. Yet, even with extraordinary medical advancements in our society, conversations between patients and many health professionals are still elusive on brain injury health outcomes.  Slow medical research and a lack of knowledge, training, and awareness for traumatic brain injuries among many healthcare […]

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Understanding PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury

As he stood tall behind the glass partition, he quickly glanced at her health chart; a sudden huff of frustration and a winced expression appeared across his face.  She was halfway through a tilt table test for syncope symptoms when her doctor said, “I see you’ve been diagnosed with PTSD‘, he scoffed.  He forcefully closed […]

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Genetic Activation After Traumatic Brain Injury

Currently, under thorough study is how traumatic brain injury can influence genetic activation. For survivors of mild to moderate traumatic brain injuries, the recovery process can look vastly different for each patient. Just as no two fingerprints are alike, neither are injuries to the brain. Why do some patients breeze through treatments, rehabilitation therapy, and […]

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Brain Injury Awareness 2021

Every year March is a month dedicated to advocacy towards brain injury awareness throughout the world.  Non-profits, medical associations, specialized TBI facilities, caregivers, survivor advocates, volunteers, and more raise awareness through the grassroots efforts of community campaigns, educational outreach, online podcasts, local and social media.  Anyone can participate in the national efforts towards reducing stigma […]

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Faith and Traumatic Brain Injury

We have all heard the phrase that miracles happen every day.  We often read stories of incredible triumph through various hardships such as job loss, financial devastation, loss of loved ones, and injuries beyond comprehension.  During such problems, troubles can mount to extremes and one may find their very soul tested to the point of […]

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