What does it mean to have a creative mindset – and how can it help recovery? Let’s talk about it!
This week Cristabelle is joined by fellow survivor Ali Rheaume to discuss the benefits of creativity, and how having a creative mindset can aid in adaptability. This is an encouraging episode full of practical tips and application points!
Ali will also share how incorporating creativity in rehabilitation helped her go from a 10% functioning level and nonverbal after TBI to where she is today! Creative activities can help with learning skills post-TBI like trying new things, expressing emotions, and coping with change.
Applying Creativity to Brain Injury Recovery (with Ali Rheaume)
0:00 Intro
2:25 Cristabelle: Applying Creativity
10:35 Introducing Ali
13:25 Ali’s TBI Story
20:50 Creative Mindset in Recovery
23:30 Planning, Pacing, & Balance
28:05 Benefits of Creativity Post-TBI
32:40 Tips for Trying Something New
36:50 Creative Mindset Helps us Cope
29:30 Words of Hope
Connect with Ali on IG: @alison.rheaume ; @embracingunique
Register for Ali’s BIAA webinar: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4100996272117241867
Join the Brain Injury Community on Clubhouse
Hosted by Cristabelle Braden: @cristabellebraden | cristabellebraden.com
Hope After Head Injury: @hopeafterheadinjury | hopeafterheadinjury.com
Brain Injury Bible Study: @braininjurybiblestudy | braininjurybiblestudy.com
Join the online community & monthly zoom support group: hopeafterheadinjury.com/community
Thank you to Council on Brain Injury for supporting this podcast by providing a microphone as part of their grant program to the brain injury community. Check out the amazing work done by CoBI at: councilonbraininjury.com
This podcast is for education and informational purposes only, and not intended for medical advice. If you need specific medical advice, please consult your physician.
More: hopesurvivespodcast.com
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