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53. Take Control of Your Recovery (Survivor Story with Nick Krantz)

After 17+ concussions, Nick Krantz found himself at the end of his rope, having been told by many medical professionals that there wasn’t really anything he could do, and he would just have to live with the symptoms. It was then that he discovered that there is so much more to brain injury recovery than he ever knew, and he began a journey of learning to overcome PCS, including nutrition, mindset, balancing hormones, exercise, and more. Today, Nick shares his story of overcoming PCS and finding hope in recovery.

0:00 Intro

6:20 Nick’s TBI Story

14:05 Symptoms

17:30 Fighting for Recovery

26:00 Power of Mindset

27:50 Taking Control

29:10 Hormones/Nutrition/Lifestyle

36:50 Autonomic Nervous System Regulation

40:50 Think about How you View Yourself

46:50 Words of Hope

Connect with Nick: @neurofitnick on IG


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Hosted by Cristabelle Braden: @cristabellebraden | cristabellebraden.com

Hope After Head Injury: @hopeafterheadinjury | hopeafterheadinjury.com

Brain Injury Bible Study: @braininjurybiblestudy | braininjurybiblestudy.com

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Thank you to Council on Brain Injury for supporting this podcast by providing a microphone as part of their grant program to the brain injury community. Check out the amazing work done by CoBI at: councilonbraininjury.com

This podcast is for education and informational purposes only, and not intended for medical advice. If you need specific medical advice, please consult your physician.

More: hopesurvivespodcast.com

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