Something often overlooked in brain injury recovery is the effect of trauma or PTSD on the survivor. Trauma symptoms can have a lot of overlap with brain injury symptoms, as both stimulate the Autonomic Nervous System. Dr. Jen Blanchette helps us to uncover what this overlap can mean, and explains how addressing trauma can often be a missing piece that can really help to further along brain injury recovery.
0:00 Intro
5:15 Introducing Dr. Jen Blanchette
9:09 Neuropsychology vs. Therapy
14:03 What is “Trauma” exactly?
19:45 Trauma Symptoms
20:45 PCS/PTSD Overlap
24:15 What is Trauma Therapy?
26:25 Role of Autonomic System
31:05 Strategies to Help
32:00 Importance of Community
38:30 Different Types of Trauma Therapy
45:05 Words of Hope
Dr. Jen Blanchette is a Maine based licensed psychologist, trauma (PTSD) expert, fitness/yoga professional, and concussion clinician. She has over 10 years of training and experience in brain injury therapy and neuropsychological testing. Her superpower is curiosity and out of the box thinking to aid in finding new ways to thrive. She helps determined, ambitious brain injury survivors gain the tools and support they need to LIVE again. Dr. Blanchette is also the host of the TBI Therapist podcast, which discusses the intersections of meaning, mental and emotional wellness, and acquired brain injury.
Contact: @tbitherapist
Listen to Cristabelle’s new “Hope Survives” single on all music streaming platforms!
Hosted by Cristabelle Braden: @cristabellebraden |
Hope After Head Injury: @hopeafterheadinjury |
Brain Injury Bible Study: @braininjurybiblestudy |
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Thank you to Council on Brain Injury for supporting this podcast by providing a microphone as part of their grant program to the brain injury community. Check out the amazing work done by CoBI at:
This podcast is for education and informational purposes only, and not intended for medical advice. If you need specific medical advice, please consult your physician.