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47. Survivor/Caregiver Partnership and Communication (with Drew and Terry Niemann)

Let’s talk about effective communication between survivors and family caregivers at home! This week, married couple and survivor/caregiver duo Terry & Drew Niemann are here to inspire us and talk about some of the challenges and lessons learned on their journey. We also discuss mental health, depression, mindfulness, and the importance of communication from both sides.

0:00 Intro

5:30 Introducing Drew & Terry

9:45 The Caregiver/Spouse Role

12:50 Finding a Rhythm

19:50 Push and Pull of Independence

21:00 Not Being Hard on Yourself

24:45 Depression & TBI

27:00 Survival Mode

28:50 Mindfulness and Mental Health

33:00 Caregiver Perspective

33:41 Lessons Learned

38:10 “A Battle Within”

42:20 Words of Hope

Drew & Terry also host their own podcast called “A Battle Within” – hear Cristabelle’s interview on their podcast on Ep.120 “There is Always Hope” https://abattlewithin.com/120/ and check out their podcast on all platforms!

Connect with them: @a_battle_within


Listen to Cristabelle’s new “Hope Survives” single on all music streaming platforms!

Hosted by Cristabelle Braden: @cristabellebraden | cristabellebraden.com

Hope After Head Injury: @hopeafterheadinjury | hopeafterheadinjury.com

Brain Injury Bible Study: @braininjurybiblestudy | braininjurybiblestudy.com

Join the online community & zoom support group: hopeafterheadinjury.com/community

Thank you to Council on Brain Injury for supporting this podcast by providing a microphone as part of their grant program to the brain injury community. Check out the amazing work done by CoBI at: councilonbraininjury.com

This podcast is for education and informational purposes only, and not intended for medical advice. If you need specific medical advice, please consult your physician.

More: hopesurvivespodcast.com

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