What does “normal” mean anyway? Jeff Huxford was a family medicine doctor in northwest Indiana for ten years before having to retire due to complications from a traumatic brain injury (TBI). He has since become a blogger, author, and speaker – and his story is currently being turned into a feature film!
This week, Jeff joins Cristabelle for an uplifting conversation, sharing his story and also touching on parenting with a brain injury, coping strategies for symptoms, and the perspective of having a brain injury for nearly a decade.
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month!
0:00 Intro
6:20 Introducing Jeff
7:50 Brain Injury Awareness
10:20 How did you get your brain injury?
14:55 Finding Normal
16:30 Symptoms & Coping
23:40 Parenting with TBI
30:20 Finding Normal Book & New Normal Movie
33:50 Words of Hope
Connect with Jeff at: jeffhuxford.com
Hosted by Cristabelle Braden: @cristabellebraden | cristabellebraden.com
Hope After Head Injury: @hopeafterheadinjury | hopeafterheadinjury.com
Brain Injury Bible Study: @braininjurybiblestudy | braininjurybiblestudy.com
Join the online community & monthly zoom support group: hopeafterheadinjury.com/community
Thank you to Council on Brain Injury for supporting this podcast by providing a microphone as part of their grant program to the brain injury community. Check out the amazing work done by CoBI at: councilonbraininjury.com
This podcast is for education and informational purposes only, and not intended for medical advice. If you need specific medical advice, please consult your physician.
More: hopesurvivespodcast.com